Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Our blog post today comes to you from beautiful Lake Maraboon, near Emerald in Queensland.  We have been here for 3 days, leaving tomorrow for Longreach and then onward across NT to El Questro in about 10 days time.  Internet access will be limited from here on, so make the most of this opportunity!

Some statistics to start (Katie if you are reading this, this is just for you)

Kilometres travelled so far - 2,511.705
Redclaw caught today - 35  (picture below)
Cans drunk so far - too many to count
Chairs broken by Alan so far - 2
Longest coal train seen - 103 carriages with 3 locomotives
Distance walked yesterday - approximately 200 metres
Number of lorikeets in the park - thousands
Number of clamshells sewn (for the quilting readers) - 17

So more of the journey so far - from Injune, site of the last post, we came here to Lake Maraboon.  This Lake is reknown for the redclaw, a sort of large yabby.  People come here year after year an go home with freezers full.  There is a little community that spend a lot of time here and all know each other.  There is one couple, Max and Mary who are in their 80's, been married for 63 years and go out in their boat every day.  A lady who goes out with them sometimes told me today that if a net gets caught, Max goes over the side and retrieves it.  There's something for us all to aspire to!  Alan says he needed more than a couple of days to work it all out, everyone is very secretive about where are the best spots to get them.

This was afternoon tea today.

The park here is very enjoyable, run by Andy and Geoff who are very close friends.  Last night was sausage sizzle (donations to Angel Flight for the sausages) and then entertainment by Geoff, which included some very bad jokes and community singing.  There was even dancing by some (definitely not us), but we were singing along lustily!

Today was a craft session, presided over by Andy and his crochet work.  He was very happy to share his patterns with everyone.  For my quilting readers it was a "Stitch and Bitch" session.

Not only are the human residents in the park very friendly, but the wildlife is too.

That's your lot for today, readers, the pina colada is calling!  Love youse all  (that's for you, Aiden Andrew Peers).

1 comment:

  1. It's fun reading your blog. Glad you are enjoying your trip so far.
    Can't wait to catch up with you next Friday 10/5 at El Questro.
    It's getting a bit chilly down south now. Looking forward to soaking up the sun.
